Best Marijuana Strains for Pain Management

As more states legalize medical marijuana usage, more people have turned to marijuana as a medical alternative to treat a variety of ailments. Research has shown that medical marijuana is commonly used to relieve anxiety and depression, help with insomnia, and to treat chronic pain. Medical marijuana is often used to manage pain for multiple […]
How New Cannabis Strains are Created

When you visit a dispensary, there is a wide variety of cannabis products to choose from. Products have differing levels of CBD and THC based on which cannabis strain they are derived from. But what exactly is a cannabis strain, and how are new strains created? Read on to learn more. What are Cannabis Strains? […]
Best Cannabis Strains for a Good Night’s Sleep

In a recent study, the Center for Disease Control stated that if you are experiencing difficulties sleeping, you are not alone. According to the American Sleep Association, 50 – 70 million Americans are affected by varying sleep disorders. As sleep is key to both mental and physical health, it is essential to find sleep solutions […]
Best Cannabis Strains for Anxiety

Recently, a panel of medical experts met and, for the first time, recommended that all American adults under the age of 65 be screened for anxiety by their doctors. In fact, according to the New York Times, the percentage of American adults with symptoms of anxiety or other types of depressive disorders increased from 36.4% […]